We utilize the latest dental technologies to make treatment faster, easier, and more effective for our patients.
Laser Dentistry
Dr. Lalonde’s expertise with non-invasive laser technologies helps minimize patient discomfort while maximizing effectiveness.
Using laser and water spray, Waterlase® allows us to complete many treatments without anesthetic shots or a traditional dental drill.
Soft Tissue Diode Lasers
Diode Lasers enable Dr. Lalonde to perform many soft tissue procedures without a scalpel, leading to minimal discomfort and accelerated healing.
High Definition 3D Diagnostic Images
Our advanced 3D cone beam imaging system circles your jaw area to provide high definition images of your teeth, mouth and jaw for highly personalized precision solutions.
Intraoral Camera
Digital photographs allow our team and our patients to see clear pictures of decay, tartar, cavities, etc… inside the mouth.
Digital Radiography
Digital radiography creates safer X-ray results instantly so we can identify and show you results right away.
Statim Sterilization
We utilize a state-of-the-art Statim Sterilization system to ensure patients experience a safe and sterile oral health environment.
Fotona Laser Dentistry
This advanced technology allows us for maximum comfort during treatment, quicker treatment and healing, and optimal results for dental implants, oral surgery, and other restorative and cosmetic procedures.
Pressurized Steam Sterilizer
This pressurized steam technology destroys bacteria and other microorganisms on tools and equipment. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Disinfection and Sterilization of Healthcare Facilities, pressurized steam is the most commonly used and dependable method of sterilization.