Referring a patient? Please fill out this Form and fax back to our office, and then provide the other portion of the document to the patient to help us better prepare for their visit.
Referrals to Specialists are an integral part of your patient’s care. Dr. Lalonde is a trained Prosthodontist specializing in dental restorations and tooth replacement. When the extent of your patient’s treatment necessitates a prosthodontic referral, Dr. Lalonde is prepared to help facilitate the diagnosis and treatment.
Any care rendered by Dr. Lalonde is coordinated with that of the referring dentist and any other doctors involved in the treatment. A clear understanding of the role each Doctor is playing in providing care to your patients is critical for the best oral health treatment results.
Upon completion of their care, Dr. Lalonde shall return the patient to the referring dentist.
Patients may need to be referred for many reasons. If you are looking for a specialist in Prosthodontics please fill out the above form or call to discuss the needs of your patient.